You can make a difference for children in Tanzania, Africa


Together we can make their homes drier, their lives safer, and their dreams bigger.


Donations to this charity are tax-deductible


You can make a difference for children in Tanzania, Africa 〰️ Together we can make their homes drier, their lives safer, and their dreams bigger. 〰️ Donations to this charity are tax-deductible 〰️

Safe Space Fundraiser

Fundraiser Goal: $20,000

Your donation will provide:

Venerate Orphanage - (1) $5,000 Completion of the housing project (see photo). This is a two-story building with a bedroom on each floor and an indoor bathroom. The first floor is complete and is being used. This money will be used to complete the second floor bedroom and bathroom. Update: Your donations have been received by Venerate and this project was completed at the end of February, 2023. See the video on left.

(2) $7,000 A drainage and paving project at Venerate is planned to prevent flooding of the classroom and kitchen which are at ground level and flood during the rainy season. This project will divert the water and also lay pavers in the area outside the buildings.

E-Learning Project - $3,000 In Tanzania, public elementary schools instruction is given in Swahili, while secondary school instruction is given only in English. Many children drop out of school at this point because the language gap makes it too difficult to succeed. The E-Learning project provides after-school programs with laptops that have English as a Second Language (ESL) programs and games to help bridge this gap.

Love Angels Foundation - $2,000 Installation of a water filtration system (see example in photo) to provide safe drinking water.

WEHAF (Widows Encouragement & HIV/AIDS Foundation) - $3,000 To forward their mission of improving the social, health, and economic status of widows, children, and HIV/AIDS victims in Tanzania.

* The amounts stated are approximate and will be affected by money donated from other sources and the amount raised by this fundraiser. All money raised will go to Selfless Solutions and Karibu Foundation.

Housing Project at Venerate Orphanage

Water Filtration System

Safe Space Fundraiser

Funds Raised as of 2/9/23: $7,026

Blowing bubbles at Venerate orphanage

Children from Osiligi orphanage sing and dance for the visiting volunteers

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

— Mahatma Gandhi


Holiday Cocktail Party for Tanzania 12/28/22 held in Ridgewood, NJ raised $7,000.